Welcome to my lore Wednesday post. In these posts, I like to show off the latest stat-block, lore detail or items that I post regularly on my Instagram account @FatedDesigns and go into some deeper lore and information that will eventually turn into a nice campaign setting for anyone who wants to play in my “Time of Darkness” Campaign.

The Mirror of Reality posted below is a very rare item that was created by the TechMagi (whom I will cover in a separate post) in their search into why the darkness that was once sealed away is starting to reappear. Having paid the ultimate cost before the people of Kantan are wondering if it was the right choice and need to see if this would have been the outcome had different choices been made.

Originally just a mirror that was used to plane shift for negotiations and quests from a long-gone elven race, having no such purpose now it seemed perfectly fit from changing its purpose to that of chance and reality. Using other lost relics the Techmagi extracted the essences from the other magical items they had searched for and sacrificing a little bit of their own energy was able to transform this mirror.

When a player uses this item, they have to focus on the item for 30 minutes without interruption if completed they then roll 2D6 and tell the DM what the roll was.

As a DM you get to look and see which is true

if the player rolls two 1’s then they go nowhere, for now….

2,12 – Fiery Reality

3,11 – Graceful Reality

4,10 – Rock Reality

5,9 – Brutal Reality

6,8 – Mythical Reality

7,7 – Techmagi Reality

I will be writing up what these Realities are but want to make sure I don’t give away too much too soon so my players don’t feel like they have all the secrets.

If you liked this please share my blog for other Dungeons and Dragons fans! as always Thank you for reading and feel free to follow my Instagram @FatedDesigns for posts of Miniatures, Lore, and Campaign information.