Getting Started

So I picked up the female succubus and female demon from Noble Knight Games they have got some cheaper options than I have seen on Amazon, but search and find what works for you.

Time to Prep our Mini

Now, this mini actually had quite a bit more pieces that needed to be cleaned up otherwise the printing lines were very obvious. Also, I have noticed that there was some detail that I had to update for posting to Instagram considering their policy on images of chests.

It probably wouldn’t have mattered but there were more and more posts being flagged and removed if it were revealed. So I played it safe. But remember you do not have too!

These models are yours, make them how you want.

Priming and Base Coat

Priming and base coating is fundamental to all mini painting, and the only issue I had was actually with the succubus. The mini was harder to prime for me it could have just been a longer wait time for the primer to dry. I then painted them with a matte white, I was initially wanting to try a lava style texture but with purple and green. But it didn’t pan out this time. I will try that technique again later.

I wanted the white to bring out the lighter colors that will appear on the mini.

The Detail Cycle

The next part I was wanting to was attempting the lava texture style but as I said earlier it didn’t take hold. I think more line work and some texture practice will help the next time I attempt.

The idea is to have the brightest color as the bottom layer, in this case, I used this bright green as I thought it would look great as elements of bright green would appear underneath.

I think started to put some darker green accents on the model I actually really liked how the green looked and thought things were going well. I thought of tracing elements where the green will appear better but it was starting to show it wasn’t really what I was wanting. But I was still hopeful.

Out came the purple and boy did I like how that popped. It really made the model stand out and I knew these would work well. It still looked messy but I planned to clean up the lines and not rush it.

At this point, I realized that I needed to do details, and really clean up the model and do a lot of detail work. Considering I really only have a couple of hours each night to work on this I kept focusing on detail work and cleaning up the model.
Remember there is no such things as mistakes. Only happy accidents
Bob Ross
This is your model, in the end, there is no right way or wrong way. each time you paint you learn something about what you are doing and will put that in the next model.
So I created a top for both of them that I was proud of. Pink hair helped contrast items and the bone work help create a defined look as well. I went with darker purple edging and kept that darker green wing look. I am proud of this look, yes it can be improved but I feel like I have learned a lot.

Thank you so much for reading until the end! What do you think? Have you ever encountered these beings in your campaign? What palette would you have picked?

If you think someone would appreciate this article please share it with them and build a community of painters.

Want to get your own demon minis? Check them out at Noble Knight

Virinia – Female Demon only $2.79!

Succubus Queen only $2.79