The Naga

In this latest session I have tried to use the technique where I use more water and do lighter coats. This mini  does not require priming.

I really like this mini and can not wait until I can use it in the Time of Darkness campaign. A technique I recommend if you are wanting to figure out a color palette for the mini, go to Pinterest and search for the creature for example I searched “dnd naga” 

Pinterest is a great place for image reference, you can find just about anything there, including anything fantasy based like Dungeons and Dragons.

If you want to try your hand at painting the Naga “Snake Demon” you can for super cheap! (for less than three bucks)

Vandorendra – Snake Demon 

Detail and Base Color

The first thing I wanted to do was just get the basic color done. I used elven skin and a deep blue along with some silver for the chain and blades. 

The technique of using a lot of water that I mentioned above was just making sure that you have a good water cup to ensure you can keep the brush damp. 

You do not want the brush soaked just a little damp. You can gauge the dampness of the brush with a paper towel to ensure the paint doesn’t start to run on the mini.

Feel free to use the dry brush technique to give additional detail work on the the raised elements of your mini to give highlights.

A Note on Basing

Every mini I have done so far I have done little to no basing for them. I will be doing a future post on basing once I attempt it. 

Final Touches

After losing the elven skin paint… still not sure where it went so I ended up changing the color with a different skin paint I had. 

I felt the green was a nice touch to the hair. I thought of using another color for jewelry but I didn’t like how it turned out so I went with the silver. 

Like all minis I could have continued to spend more time painting this but sometimes you just have to decide when to stop.

Thank you for checking out my latest progression on my mini painting journey. 

If you liked this one, check out some of my other mini’s Here

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